Coparent Academy Podcast

#109 - Linda's Goodbye Episode

Linda VanValkenburg and Ron Gore

Let us hear from you!

In this episode, we say goodbye to Linda as the weekly cohost. I (Ron) will continue the podcast with a different format beginning June 3, 2024.

I can't express how much I've learned from Linda and have grown as a person from the time I've spent with her. She's the absolute best and I can't wait for her to come back to the show periodically as a guest.

As a side note, in editing the podcast for release I noticed that I was dropping my "r"s.  When I was young, I wasn't able to pronounce the letter "r", which was inconvenient given my name has two prominent "r"s. Now, I only drop my "r"s when my emotions are running higher than normal.  In other words, every time I drop my "r" in this episode, that's a testament to how wonderful I think Linda is and how much I'll miss talking with her every week for the podcast. 

If you would like to participate in the podcast as a guest or have suggestions for episode topics, please let me know. You can reach me at  To learn more about becoming the best coparent you can be, visit

Speaker 1:

Welcome everybody. Today we have a bit of an announcement for you. Linda, do you care to tell the class?

Speaker 2:

I don't even know what to say about it. I don't know. I really don't know where to start with this. We didn't rehearse this. Obviously, rod's calling this my goodbye podcast and I, I think, what are we up to now?

Speaker 2:

numbers of podcasts it's like 109 yeah, that's a lot, and, uh, I'm a little older than this guy and I think I'm getting worn out a lot sooner than he is, and while I enjoy every second of us doing it, I am I just feel like I've said everything there is to say and you feel like there's still plenty more to say, so I think you're going to continue to say those plenty more things you've thought of.

Speaker 1:

Well, I don't know if you know this, but when they I think it was when they first opened the patent office, or maybe it was around 1900. I'm going to fix this up later they said there's no need in having patents because everything has already been invented. There's no need to do anymore. No, no, so it's been two years. No, so it's been two years. Well, linda and I have been working on the Co-Parent Academy for three or four years now, from the very beginning thoughts to recording and figuring out content and figuring out mistakes and redoing things and all of that.

Speaker 2:

Well, it actually goes back much further than that. I was organizing a lot of our notes together and so forth, and I actually found this general concept of somehow educating our mutual types of clients within the family law court process back in 2015.

Speaker 2:

Oh, wow, and the top of the page said notes with Ron and the top of the page said notes with Ron and it was really pretty similar to what we wound up with the podcast and then with Co-Parent Academy. I mean, it was the germ of the idea. You know, a little tiny seed.

Speaker 1:

I would say Well, and I thought it was just me that thought four years felt like nine.

Speaker 2:

There's a reason why it feels like nine.

Speaker 1:

No, we have had so much fun doing this, from being here in Tulsa to being in Oklahoma City, sometimes to being in Chicago, so we have been all over the place working on Co-Parent Academy. We have listeners from all over the world.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that boggles my mind. I'm just I. You know, I knew from being a member of the Association of Family Conciliation Courts for so many years that I think it started in 09, that people were really do have relationship issues and parent-child issues all over the world. You know, everywhere there are relationships of any kind and wherever parents have children, there will be issues that develop in those relationships, and so you know what might seem like absolute paradise to someone that's lived in Oklahoma most of her life. You know they still have issues in those places, and so I've seen people from various islands and all over Europe and the Mediterranean at the AFCC conferences, and now we have people from all those kinds of places listening to our podcast.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we have people listening from countries I did not know. I did not recognize the names initially, when I looked at them.

Speaker 1:

So we are grateful to everybody who has listened and for those who have participated in our podcast, and I don't want you to think that this is the end.

Speaker 1:

This is the end of Linda's weekly participation in the podcast. I think what I'm going to do is I'm probably going to take a month and think about if there are things that I still want to talk about in co-parenting and then I'll probably come up with a more structured season approach for various topics. I might do some academic article discussion, because I do follow the academic articles that get published regarding parenting. So if you have any ideas about what you would like for me to talk about in the future, please let me know, and I do plan on forcing linda possibly a gunpoint to join me at least once in each uh block each season that we may do going forward. I just want to say that I have learned so much. I feel like I've gone to the university of linda these last several years and I'm definitely a better attorney for it. I know I'm a better father for it, probably a better husband for it.

Speaker 2:

I think she already had you really well trained.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's true. Can't take that away from Rebecca.

Speaker 2:

Between me and Rebecca. I think you are quite well trained.

Speaker 1:

Yes, but I really have enjoyed it. I appreciate it and I look forward to us continuing our relationship not as much on the mic.

Speaker 2:

Oh well, and it'll still be fun to do this. I mean, we have we have developed quite the the, I think, back and forth repartee with each other, and I've uh, I've definitely become much more um, I don't know't know, just trusting how I feel in the moment to say what I think needs to be said, and not nearly so fearful of what might pop out. Maybe that's the old age with it too, I don't know. But you've definitely given me the space and the total unconditional regard that it took for me to feel that freedom, and that is priceless to me and I don't want to let go of that completely. So you know, shoot, he might take a month to think and then let me know something he's thinking about and I might go oh, I'd like to talk about that. So who knows what'll happen?

Speaker 1:

Well, I'll see if I'm available. He's going to play hard to get. No, I'm just kidding. No, that sounds wonderful. All right, guys. Well, thank you. Thank you for allowing us to have this moment, although we didn't ask you first, but thank you for allowing us to have this moment to pour to kind of put a an end cap on this period of co-parent Academy podcast. We look forward to coming back to y'all's very soon with some good content and, like I said, if you have, if you have things that you would like to hear about, if you would like to participate especially when it's just going to be me for part of the time, who knows how that's going to go Just reach out, let me know. I'd love to have anyone on the podcast who wants to talk about co-parenting issues. So this is a short run for today. I hope you guys have a fantastic week and please be on the lookout in four weeks from today, or Mondays from today I don't know what day that's going to be.

Speaker 2:

And they can still access our old ones, right? Yeah, anytime. I don't know. If you know you're just hearing one of our latter podcasts. You might want to go back and check out some of our earlier podcasts too. They're all still quite relevant.

Speaker 1:

Okay, guys. So thank you so much for letting us come at you today with this personal message. Like I said, I will be taking a break, about a month break, and I will come back with new content on June 3rd 2024. So that'll be the next release of a podcast and, like Linda was pointing out, we have over a hundred podcasts that are available to you and will remain available to you if you'd like to check them out. All right, guys, thank you so much and we'll talk to you soon.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

See, she said that for the last time. Linda's bye.